Anuj and Selena's article has been published in Current Opinion in Chemical Biology!
Acoustic-based chemical tools for profiling the tumor microenvironment Acoustic-based imaging modalities (e.g. ultrasonography and...
Thomas successfully defended his thesis!
Thomas successfully defended his PhD thesis! After leaving UIUC, Thomas will be heading to Stanford University to start a postdoctoral...
Effie, Hailey, and Chris's book chapter is accepted for publication in Methods in Enzymology!
Near-infrared photoactivatable nitric oxide donors with photoacoustic readout In this chapter, we motivate the need for photoactivatable...
Chris successfully defended his thesis!
Chris successfully defended his PhD thesis! After leaving UIUC, Chris will be heading to Scripps Research Institute to start a...
Welcome Jinjia!
We are excited to welcome Dr. Jinjia Xu to the Chan Lab! Brief bio: Jinjia Xu studied organic chemistry and functional polymer materials...
Effie successfully defended her thesis!
Effie successfully defended her PhD thesis! After leaving UIUC, Effie will be starting a position at Morrison and Foerster this fall....
Namuunzul is awarded Beckman Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
Namuunzul has been named a 2020 Beckman Undergraduate Research Fellow. This program is supported by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman...
Amanda is awarded Beckman Institute Graduate Fellowship!
Amanda has been named a 2020 Beckman Institute Graduate Fellow. This program is supported by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman foundation and...
Hailey successfully defended her thesis!
Hailey successfully defender her PhD thesis! After leaving UIUC, Hailey will be heading to Caltech to start a postdoctoral research...
Sarah and Chris's paper is accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie!
Advances in activity-based sensing probes for isoform-selective imaging of enzymatic activity The cell regulates complicated signaling...