Sarah, Katie, Cameron, Anuj, Melissa, and Su's paper is published in ACIE!
Development of NIR-II Photoacoustic Probes Tailored for Deep-Tissue Sensing of Nitric Oxide Most photoacoustic (PA) imaging agents are...
Katie was awarded the 2021 Pines Travel Award!
Katie has been selected to receive the 2021 Pines Travel Award from the UIUC department of Chemistry. This award is intended for graduate...
Melissa was awarded the Pines Graduate Fellowship!
Melissa was selected to receive the 2021 Pines Graduate Fellowship from the UIUC department of Chemistry. This fellowship was made...
Jeff is named a Helen Corley Petit Scholar by the College of LAS
Jeff has been selected by the College of LAS to be a 2021-2022 Helen Corley Petit Scholar! Mrs. Helen Corley Petit, a deceased alumna of...
Melissa is awarded the Professor Gary Schuster Mentoring Scholarship!
Melissa was awarded the Professor Gary Schuster Mentoring Scholarship. This scholarship is in recognition of a graduate student who has...
Melissa, Amanda, Chris, Adam, Su, and Michael's paper is published in JACS!
Development of NIR-II Photoacoustic Probes Tailored for Deep-Tissue Sensing of Nitric Oxide Photoacoustic (PA) imaging has emerged as a...
Joe Forzano received NSF honorable mention!
Congrats to Joe for receiving NSF honorable mention!
Welcome Adam!
We are excited to welcome Dr. Adam Sedgwick to the Chan Lab! Brief bio: Adam C. Sedgwick received his MChem (2014) and PhD (2018) with...
Welcome Cameron!
We are excited to have Cameron Keeton as part of the Chan Lab team! Brief bio: Cameron is from Flatwoods, KY and graduated from the...
Amanda and Melissa's article has been published in Chemical Science!
New directions of activity-based sensing for in vivo NIR imaging In vivo imaging is a powerful approach to study biological processes....