Welcome Hailey!
Welcome to the lab Hailey! We are very excite Brief bio: Hailey received her BSc in Chemistry from the University of Idaho in 2015. While...
Aaron, Hao and Chelsea's paper is published in JACS!
A Reaction-Based Fluorescent Probe for Imaging of Formaldehyde in Living Cells ABSTRACT: Formaldehyde (FA), in the 0.2−0.4 mM range, is...
Keith begins new position at the FDA
We wish Dr. Keith Coffman all the best as he begins his new job as an Analytical Chemist at the US Food and Drug Administration! Thank...
Welcome Meng!
Welcome to America Meng! Hope you enjoy your rotation in our lab. Brief bio: Meng Wu graduated in 2015 from Fudan University with a BSc...
Welcome Thomas!
We are very excited to welcome Thomas Bearrood to the lab for a summer rotation! Brief bio: Thomas recently graduated from St. Olaf...
Welcome Effie!
Welcome to Illinois Effie. We hope you enjoy your rotation in our lab! Brief bio: Effie received her BSc in Chemistry from UC Berkeley...
Aaron wins CBI Fellowship!
A big congrats to Aaron for being selected as one of this year's CBI fellows! Fantastic job! For more information about the CBI training...
Jennifer and Robert win SROP fellowships!
Big congrats to our talented undergrad researchers Jennifer Park and Robert Tsang who each won MCB SROP fellowships! Keep up the...
Welcome Hiroshi!
Welcome to the lab Hiroshi! We are very excited to have you as a part of the team. Brief bio: Dr. Hiroshi Inaba graduated Dec. 2014 with...
Joint Chan and Sarlah group Christmas party
We just can't get enough of the Sarlah group so we decided to hold a joint Christmas party together which included a holiday feast, gift...