HyP-1 Featured by the Illinois News Bureau
Our recent Nature Communications article on the development of HyP-1 was featured by the Illinois News Bureau. Read the full story here!
Nick, Jerome and Martin's paper is accepted for publication in JACS!
NitroxylFluor: A thiol-based fluorescent probe for live-cell imaging of nitroxyl (HNO) Detection of nitroxyl (HNO), the transient...
Welcome Sarah!
We are excited to announce that Sarah Gardner has joined the lab! Brief Bio: Sarah graduated from the University of Iowa with a BS in...
Hailey wins Verbanac Graduate Organic Chemistry Award
Hailey presented her work at the 2017 Beak-Pines Organic Area Allerton Conference, and she was selected as one of two recipients of the...
Welcome Luke!
We are excited to announce that Luke Akin has joined the Chan Lab! Brief bio: Luke is a recent graduate from The University of Texas at...
Welcome Melissa!
We are excited to welcome Melissa Lucero to our Chan Lab team! Brief bio: Melissa recently graduated from University of Maryland in...
Hailey, Jamila, Tom and Kian's paper is accepted in Nature Communications!
A Bioreducible N-oxide-based Probe for Photoacoustic Imaging of Hypoxia Hypoxia occurs when limited oxygen supply impairs physiological...
Thomas's review is published in Aldrichimica Acta!
Despite their long, rich history in organic chemistry, named reactions have only recently been applied to chemical biology. This review...
Hailey wins Fuson Travel Award!
Hailey Knox was recently selected to receive a Fuson Travel Award for Spring 2018. These awards are given annually to UIUC organic...
Spotlight on Jeff: A look at what we do in the Chan Lab
Jeff's recent SCS Faculty Profile explains why we are interested in Photoacoustic Imaging, and why Illinois is a great department to...